Tag: feature

  • LIFE (2017)

    LIFE – Nurturing the Next Generation

  • Listen (2017)

    Despite living in a puzzled country that’s divided into 18 religious sects, one which is “doomed yet hanging by a thread”, a young man falls in love with a young lady. Joud a handsome, introverted sound engineer is passionately immersed into his work: the universe of sound. During one of his sets, he meets Rana…

  • Héritages (2013)

    HÉRITAGES (arabic: MIRATH) On July 12, 2006, another war breaks out in Lebanon. Director Philippe Aractingi sees himself having to leave his motherland to settle elsewhere for the third time in his life. While he and his family are evacuated to France onboard a military ship, he realizes that his ancestors have also been fleeing…

  • Under The Bombs (2007)

    23 prizes among which : Zeina, a Lebanese woman living in Dubai, sends her son Karim to stay with her sister in Kherbet Selem – a village in the South of Lebanon – to save him from the bickering of the final stages of her divorce. A few days later, war breaks out. Desperately worried,…

  • Bosta (2005)

    Bosta (Bus in Arabic) tells the story of seven former schoolmates who meet up again after 15 years, to drive across Lebanese regions in a rundown school bus, which they repaint and renew as a wound they are healing. The group is trying to introduce a new blend of music in their native villages, a…